Again with differentiated education
Differentiated education has been and continues to be a controversial and strong ideological charge issue that involves confrontation. This article analyzes the regulation of differentiated education in the different educational laws as well as, after a brief analysis of the jurisprudence issued in this regard by the Supreme Court, the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court with special emphasis and reflecting on the rulings of the Unconstitutionality appeals filed against the regulatory precepts of differentiated education in the LOMCE and LOMLOE. As will be seen, the latest approach to differentiated education revolves around a question that is, to what extent can the legislator prohibit financing, access to the concert regime to a center whose owner opts for education as a pedagogical model? differentiated if this model is constitutional?. Along with this question, other questions arise: is the decision to prohibit public financing of a model legitimate simply because the legislator considers that another model, that of coeducation, better complies with the values of Article 1.1 CE?, Is this decision contrary to the principle of equality?; Is the freedom of education violated? As we will see, the issue is not peaceful with division even among the TC magistrates themselves, having been issued, by the same Court and in just 5 years, a jurisprudence that is contradictory against which various particular opinions have also been formulated, which highlights the controversial nature of the matter.
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