Successes and failures of EU climate diplomacy at Sharm el-Sheikh COP27 in 2022


  • Teresa Fajardo del Castillo Profesora Titular de la Universidad de Granada
Keywords: climate diplomacy, European Union, Sharm el Sheikh Agreement., Green Deal, COP 27


The 27th Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement (COP 27) held in Egypt, in the city of Sharm El-Sheikh, in November 2022, has made it necessary to assess the capacity of the European Union's Climate Diplomacy to adapt to the new challenges that have arisen at this COP, marked by the demands of the countries grouped under the heading of the Global South. This COP 27 has also witnessed a division in the positions held by the industrialised countries and those led by China, because the problem of climate change is already an emergency and a common responsibility that must be differentiated according to the emissions accumulated over the last two centuries. It is necessary to examine the starting points of the European Union and its Member States that defend the global dimension of the Green Deal, needed to achieve the transition to a decarbonised economy. It is also necessary to analyse the positions of the United States, China and the developing countries on the major issues to be addressed at what has already been dubbed the Africa Summit. Faced with this new scenario, it is necessary to see which of the European Union's positions can maintain its influence and credibility as a normative power in the fight against climate change or, on the contrary, contribute to its loss of influence and leadership.


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How to Cite
Fajardo del Castillo, T. (2023). Successes and failures of EU climate diplomacy at Sharm el-Sheikh COP27 in 2022. Annals of Law, 40, 158–192.