The loss of one´´ s home in the ECHR´´´ s jurisprudence: a most extreme form of interference with the right to respect for the home
One´´´ s habitual home has found a relevant way of protection through the ECHR´´ s interpretation of the right to respect for one´´ s home (art. 8 ECHR). This interpretation has allowed an extension of the content of this right by including in it some considerations that are more “social” than usual for a classical liberty. In particular, from the case of Connors v. the United Kingdom onwards, the ECHR has held that this right imposes upon States a series of positive obligations when a person risks losing his home, even if this loss is in accordance with national law. Moreover, the ECHR has developed the content of these obligations throughout its case law, evolving from pure procedural requirements to a more substantive approach, in which seems like a shy approximation to the protection of the right to housing granted by some international committees.
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