Recensión de la obra "Derecho al honor, intimidad y propia imagen en relación con las nuevas tecnologías"


  • Laura Caballero Trenado UNIR


In its interaction with new technologies, communication finds a fertile ground to spur the dimension of informative freedoms, the cornerstone of the Social and Democratic State of Law. But, the dimension of information freedoms is a contingent issue, which must be approached from a study of its limits, since communication and its corollary is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that must be analyzed from a global and integrating perspective. The work Right to honor, intimacy and own image in relation to new technologies - co-ordinated by Sandra Gamella - deals with this, which includes a very complete jurisprudential compendium on the state of the aforementioned issue, among others. The hermeneutic work, that lies in judges and courts, is essential when it comes to delimiting the exercise of the informative freedoms, taking into account the litigation that results from the aforementioned exercise. And this is largely because the rights to honor, privacy and self-image have a sparse regulatory framework. In the Organic Law 1/1982, of May 5, of Civil Protection of the Right to Honor, to the Personal and Family Intimacy and to the Own Image, that is dictated in development of the article 18.1 CE, the legislator could do little beyond a sober definition in the Statement of Motives. So extensive is the casuistry that results from the interaction of the exercise of fundamental rights at issue that is why we say that the interpreting task of the jurisdictional body is essential to complete the definition, delimitation and scope of its constitutional content.



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How to Cite
Caballero Trenado, L. (2022). Recensión de la obra "Derecho al honor, intimidad y propia imagen en relación con las nuevas tecnologías". Annals of Law, 39. Retrieved from