Diversity of vegetable edible species in the region “Cacahuatique Sur” of El Salvador: a focus on underutilized food crops and local knowledge


  • Delmy Verónica Sánchez
  • Reinhold Muschler
  • Cornelis Prins
  • William Solano
  • Carlos Astorga
Keywords: Agro biodiversity, traditional knowledge, biological diversity, genetic resources


The main objectives of this research were (1) to identify edible underutilized species in the region “Cacahuatique Sur”, Morazán, in the NE of El Salvador, and (2) to document the contributing factors to the loss and/or conservation of the species and the knowledge about them. The information was collected using semi-structured interviews with key informants. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods.The knowledge of people older than 50 years versus younger ones was compared by developing a “knowledge” index subjected to an analysis of variance (ANOVA). Overall, 40 species were identified as underutilized edible species in the region. These 40 species belonged to 25 botanical families with the Leguminosae being the most frequent. In 2013, 93% of the underutilized species were still present in the region, and of these 65% were in a wild status. 87 % of the 40 interviewed persons indicated that there was a decrease of these species in the region, primarily due to an increasing lack of knowledge about their use and management, and a lack of commercial value. The knowledge about underutilized species was not significantly different (p=0.07) among genders, although there was a slight tendency in favor of women. People older than 50 years showed a significantly higher knowledge index (p=<0.0001) regarding underutilized species than younger people.


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How to Cite
Sánchez D. V., Muschler, R., Prins, C., Solano, W., & Astorga, C. (2017). Diversity of vegetable edible species in the region “Cacahuatique Sur” of El Salvador: a focus on underutilized food crops and local knowledge. Agroecology, 9, 101–109. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/agroecologia/article/view/300681