Psychopedagogy applied to the teaching-learning process in football tactics training: A bibliographic review
Research in sports psychopedagogy and its applied recommendations are characterized by a contrast between different learning theories in football tactics training. Traditional theories and their corresponding approaches for the specific case of teaching and learning how to play football are subject to compatibilities and incompatibilities. It is analyzed how behaviorism as an approach to teaching the game shows more incompatibilities with the nature of tactical actions compared to constructivism. As coaches strive to teach the game and get their players and team to perform, it is argued that teaching the game requires teaching approaches that will help develop their playing without taking away their autonomy and adaptability. The teaching-learning process during training to play soccer must be carried out to harmonize the characteristics of the content, the context and the individual in question. Finally, it is argued that coherent game design provides minimum conditions for teaching approaches, and that such design should be a priority when developing learning activities throughout the player development process. In conclusion, interactionist theory is the one that best serves for teaching the game and developing tactical behavior. Therefore, it is argued that its principles can help coaches adapt their own strategy for teaching the game to students.
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