Analysis of the perceived quality by users of a municipal sports service. Gender differences


  • Liam Cano-Coyle Universidad de Murcia
  • José Miguel Vegara-Ferri Universidad de Murcia, España
  • María Martínez Quiles Universidad de Murcia, España
  • Arturo Díaz Suárez Universidad de Murcia, España
  • José María López-Gullón Universidad de Murcia, España
Keywords: SSQRS, Sport facility, Quality, Sport, Service


When the aim of offering a service is to retain and attract new customers, information about their opinion and how they perceive and rate this service is required. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the quality perceived among users of municipal sports facilities and services. A further objective of this study was to ascertain the perception of different aspects of the services offered in a more specific and detailed way, as also analyze the way gender causes differences in how quality is perceived. The study sample consisted of 264 users (114 men and 150 women), with the average age being 46,8 (±11,1). The instrument used in the study was an adapted version of the Scale of Service Quality in Recreational Sport (SSQRS); this instrument is made up of five different aspects, which are: ‟quality of the program‟, ‟quality of interaction and communication‟, ‟quality of results‟, ‟quality of the environment‟ and ‟other factors‟. The data obtained indicated that the aspect that was best perceived by users was ''Quality of interaction'' with a 5,97 (±1,34) and the worst was ''Quality of physical surroundings‟ with a 5,01 (±1,64). Some of the conclusions drawn from this study are: that the quality of interaction between users and with facility monitors are the factors best perceived by the users of this questionnaire; to improve the perception of "quality of the environment" measures could be taken such as the purchase or restoration of materials; and finally, that women perceive quality better than men.


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How to Cite
Cano-Coyle, L., Vegara-Ferri, J. M., Martínez Quiles, M., Díaz Suárez, A., & López-Gullón, J. M. (2024). Analysis of the perceived quality by users of a municipal sports service. Gender differences. SPORT TK-EuroAmerican Journal of Sport Sciences, 13, 49.