Anthropometry and aquatic skills of children who attend swimming
The objective of this study is to analyze and compare anthropometric data and aquatic skills of children attending swimming lessons. 29 children participated, between 3 and 12 years old, enrolled in swimming classes. It was decided to determine the percentage of body fat (%BF) and the contents analyzed were: immersion, dorsal and ventral flotation, gliding and depth control. As for the BF% of the girls, all were at an "Optimal" level. However, it is possible to find boys generally classified in a health risk zone (p<0.02). A difference was observed in the results of aquatic skills, generating a positive score. It was concluded that according to the %BF of the boys, it is necessary to look for mechanisms to balance the %BF. When it comes to aquatic skills, the study shows that children are classified at a good level.
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