Evaluation of running technique and physical performance in middle-distance runners
The fundamental basis for running efficiency is the running technique, where the lack of it can affect the physical performance of the para-athlete. The objective was to determine the relationship between running technique and physical performance in youth para-athletes belonging to the Ecuadorian Paralympic Committee in the 2022 preparatory period. It was carried out by simple random sampling, with a sample of 16 athletes among 16-19 years. They were evaluated by means of an evaluation scale with indicators in the race phases: support, impulse and recovery, qualifying the athletes by means of a Likert scale when completing the 1000 m test. The Mann-Whitney test was applied for independent samples in the statistical software SPSS, comparing the pretest with the post test. A level of significance of p=0.00 was observed, below p=0.05, so the null hypothesis is rejected and it is evident that there is a relationship between the running technique and the physical performance of the athletes. We recommend to enhance the correction of the running technique with music to improve the performance of middle-distance para-athletes.
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