Framing sport managers’ profile: A systematic review of the literature between 2000 and 2019


Keywords: Sport Manager , Functional Profile , Competencies , Tasks , Review


The present study is a systematic review focused in sport managers’ profile and the main purpose is to map the literature of sport managers’ competencies and tasks from January of 2000 to January of 2019. The search was made on EBSCO, B-on, Web Science and Scopus using the following keywords: ‘sport managers OR sport directors OR sport administrators’, ‘sport managers AND qualifications’, ‘sport managers AND responsibilities’, ‘sport managers AND traits’, ‘sport managers AND roles’, ‘sport managers AND competencies’ and ‘sport managers AND characteristics’ in peer reviewed articles and dissertations. After applying the inclusion criteria, 65 studies were selected. Sport managers are, predominantly, men in their thirties and forties, with a degree in physical education. A sport manager must have competencies such as leadership, integrity, specific knowledge, resource allocation, authority’s delegation, employees’ motivation and innovative thinking to accomplish the most important and more time consuming responsibilities like planning/organization, coordination/evaluation or information.


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Author Biographies

Paula Batista, University of Porto

Paula Batista works at the faculty of Sport, University of Porto in the Department of
Sport Pedagogy. She is the director of the School Placement unit of a two-year
programme Master degree in Physical Education Teacher Education and teach at the
Sport Management and Sport Coach Masters at the same Faculty. She researches about
Initial Teacher Education and professional competence and professional identity in
different sport contexts. Author of several papers and book sections, also have a lot of
experience in research projects.

Maria José Carvalho, University of Porto

Maria José Carvalho works at the Faculty of Sport, University of Porto in the
Department of Sport Management. She was the Director of the Master in Sport
Management between February 2012 and October 2017 at the same Faculty. She
researches about Sport Management, Sport Policies, Sport Law and Women and Sport.
Author of 6 books, several book chapters and more than 70 papers in national and
international journals with scientific Arbitration. She is Vice-president of the
Disciplinary Board of Portuguese Football Association.


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How to Cite
Santos, J. M., Batista, P., & Carvalho, M. J. (2022). Framing sport managers’ profile: A systematic review of the literature between 2000 and 2019. SPORT TK-EuroAmerican Journal of Sport Sciences, 11, 24.