Design and evaluation of a program for the improvement of the physical fitness in Primary Education


  • D. Zamorano García
  • JG. Fernández Bustos
  • JP. Vállez Gómez
Keywords: physical fitness, self-esteem, health, primary school


The objective was to design a program to improve physical fitness and evaluate its effect on the intent to remain active and general self-esteem. An 8-week program of activities was designed to improve physical fitness in Physical Education, in addition to sports physical activity at recess. The quasi-experimental design included 70 schoolchildren (39 experimental group; 31 control group) from 6th grade of Primary Education. The high priority ALPHA-Fitness battery, the intentionality scale of being physically active in Primary Education, and the Multimedia and Multilingual Self-esteem Evaluation Questionnaire were used as measuring instruments. The effectiveness of the program was found in all the variables studied, especially in the improvement of cardiorespiratory capacity, jumping capacity and the socio-affective dimension of self-esteem. The importance of these programs in the improvement of the physical, psychological and social health of the students is highlighted.


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How to Cite
Zamorano García, D., Fernández Bustos, J., & Vállez Gómez, J. (2021). Design and evaluation of a program for the improvement of the physical fitness in Primary Education. SPORT TK-EuroAmerican Journal of Sport Sciences, 10(1), 107–112.