Relationship of the influence of physical activity with cardiovascular risk factors in adult citizens of Melilla
Physical activity has a positive influence on people's health, playing a key role in the prevention, treatment, control and rehabilitation of chronic non-communicable diseases. The aim of the study is to analyse the relationship between the practice of physical activity and cardiovascular risk factors. Cross-sectional and correlational study using a questionnaire with a sample of 160 participants. The results show that 70% of the sample stated that they did not do much physical activity compared to 33% who stated that they did moderate/high levels of physical activity. Of the variables related to cardiovascular risk, sex, glycemia and systolic blood pressure are significantly associated with the degree of physical activity (p<.05). It is essential to strengthen health education for the entire population in order to maintain adequate physical activity and other healthy lifestyles that will have an impact on reducing preventable chronic diseases.
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