Estudy of the pedagogical variables in teaching tasks of football based on the session part
The objective of this study was to analyze the pedagogical variables of the tasks designed by the pre-service teachers for the teaching of school soccer based on the parts of the session. 307 tasks designed by 6 teachers in training have been codified through the Integral System for the Analysis of the Training Tasks (SIATE). The pedagogical variables classified by this system were analyzed: game situation, goalkeeper presence, game phase, content type I and II, specific content, teaching medium, level of opposition, type of participation and Feedback. A descriptive and inferential analysis was carried out using the Chi-Square test, Cramer's V test and the Corrected Typified Waste. The results show significant differences (p <.05) in the design of the tasks for each part of the session with respect to the pedagogical variables, except in the variable type of content II.
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