Validity of WIMU PRO inertial device to register heart rate variable in a field test


  • I. Molina-Carmona
  • C. Gómez-Carmona
  • A. Bastida-Castillo
  • J. Pino-Ortega
Keywords: football, inertial device, intermittent high intensity efforts


Introduction. Technological advances have contributed to improve physiological and kinematical data collection in training sessions and competition matches. Inertial devices as WIMU PROTM (RealTrack Systems, Almeria, Spain) composed by different sensors (four accelerometers, two gyroscopes, a magnetometer, a GNSS chip to global tracking through satellite triangulation, a UWB chip to indoor sports tracking, Ant+ and Bluetooth receivers, among others) is used in different sports situations. It is important to know the validity and precision of measurement data because it is used in real game contexts. Objective. Evaluate inertial unit WIMU PROTM validity to collect heart rate (HR) data in relation to validated device Polar Team 2®. Participants. 15 under-16 football players participated voluntarily in this research (age: 15,40 ± 0,50 years, height: 169,26 ± 0,08 cm, weight: 62,00 ± 12,32 kg). Procedure. Football players performed RSA test (adapted from Bangsbo 2008) composed of 7 sprints of 30 meters with 20 seconds active recovery between sprints, which simulated the real demands of football matches. Results. It was found and very strong correlation between WIMU PROTM and Polar Team 2® data (r2=.958, p<.001). Conclusions. WIMU PROTMinertial device is valid to register heart rate data in football.


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How to Cite
Molina-Carmona, I., Gómez-Carmona, C., Bastida-Castillo, A., & Pino-Ortega, J. (2018). Validity of WIMU PRO inertial device to register heart rate variable in a field test. SPORT TK-EuroAmerican Journal of Sport Sciences, 7(1), 81–86.