Tactical creativity and executive functions in interactive sports


  • F. Alarcón López
  • A. Castillo Díaz
  • N. Ureña Ortín
  • E. Torre Ramos
  • D. Cárdenas Vélez
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/300501
Keywords: incidental, uncertainty, entropy, if-then, intelligence


Tactical creativity is one of the characteristics of the players with greater expertise in interactive (or contact) sports. The term is defined as the ability to generate original and surprising answers to the problems that arise during the game. Recent research has shown that these athletes have certain cognitive capacities, known as executive functions, which could explain this superiority. Experimental studies conducted with children conclude that the repeated practice of physical activity in environments with high levels of entropy could improve these executive functions. On the other hand, it has been seen that the use of intentional strategies by the coach, meant to address the behavior of athletes, can be detrimental to the development of tactical creativity. This review describes the evidence and offers a practical proposal on the design of learning environments promoting this capacity through the control of the task complexity and the feedback of the coach.


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How to Cite
Alarcón López, F., Castillo Díaz, A., Ureña Ortín, N., Torre Ramos, E., & Cárdenas Vélez, D. (2017). Tactical creativity and executive functions in interactive sports. SPORT TK-EuroAmerican Journal of Sport Sciences, 6(2), 147–152. https://doi.org/10.6018/300501