Relationship between physical activity, body composition and body image in university students


  • J. C. Serpa dos Santos
  • E. Castillo
  • A. P. Gama de Araujo
  • F. J Giménez
Keywords: university students, body composition, body image, physical activity


This work aims to analyze the relationship among body composition, body image and physical activity level in university students. The general description of the sample was made through the dependent variables (sex and age), and the identification of different body composition parameters (weight and height). The analysis of the body image was developed through its two components: perceptive (Figure Rating Scale-Stunkard, Sorenson y Schlusinger, 1983), and a subjective one (Body Shape Questionnare-Cooper, Taylor, Cooper, y Fairburn, 1987). The PA level was analyzed through the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (Craig et al., 2003). The sample (n = 400) was composed by university students, (49,5% women and 50,5% men) with a mean age of 30,64 (± 8.85 years). Results highlight that most students have a low level of PA, and there is an inverse relationship between body composition parameters and body image, that is, subjects who identify themselves with the larger silhouettes are those who are most dissatisfied and more concerned with their body image.


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How to Cite
Serpa dos Santos, J. C., Castillo, E., Gama de Araujo, A. P., & Giménez, F. J. (2017). Relationship between physical activity, body composition and body image in university students. SPORT TK-EuroAmerican Journal of Sport Sciences, 6(2), 39–48.