Analysis of direct and indirect participation in basketball game actions according to their intensity


  • JF. Daniel
  • P. C. Montagner
  • C. R. Padovani
  • L. M. Beneli
  • J. P. Borín
Keywords: Training, Performance, Competition


The purpose of this study was to analyze the intensity of direct (DP) and indirect participation (IP) in basketball game actions. Seven elite male players have participated (28.9±6.0years, 195.7±6.7cm, 94.8±12.4kg, 11.1±4.9% of body fat), in one official match of the National Basketball League (Brazil). For the match we used a video camera positioned at the highest and central point of the stands and seven HR transmitters Polar Team System, synchronized with the time of a digital stopwatch and later, by video analysis, with the game actions. It was considered DP when the player participated or had moved to participate effectively in the actions; and IP when the player did not participate or had not moved. . It was observed a decrease of more than 5% between DP and IP. The IP in game actions, besides answering certain tactical situations, can also enable greater recovery and ensure high intensity game performance.


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How to Cite
Daniel, J., Montagner, P. C., Padovani, C. R., Beneli, L. M., & Borín, J. P. (2017). Analysis of direct and indirect participation in basketball game actions according to their intensity. SPORT TK-EuroAmerican Journal of Sport Sciences, 6(1), 193–198.