Comparative study about aerobic and anaerobic endurance for basketball players based on the training methodology


  • D. Mancha-Triguero
  • S. J. Ibáñez
  • M. Reina-Román
  • A. Antúnez
Keywords: Aerobic Endurance, Anaerobic Endurance, Comprehensive Methodology, Traditional Methodology, Basketball


The aim of this investigation is identifying the differences between aerobic and anaerobic capacities in players. They are training with different methodologies. Therefore, it is necessary to know how are the physiological and cinematic request of the trainings.

The design of this investigation can be classified as a manipulative strategy. It is inside of studies about empirical nature of cuasiexperimental type, where you can examinate the differences between groups: Design of not equal groups. 

The people group of the study are two basketball teams. They train with differents methodologies but they have the same time to practise and the same material too.

Regarding the results, there are some differences between aerobic and anaerobic events of the teams. In this way, it is superior the team with comprehensive methodology.

In this case, you can affirm that training with a comprehensive methodology causes the best results as aerobic and anaerobic endurance. 


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How to Cite
Mancha-Triguero, D., Ibáñez, S. J., Reina-Román, M., & Antúnez, A. (2017). Comparative study about aerobic and anaerobic endurance for basketball players based on the training methodology. SPORT TK-EuroAmerican Journal of Sport Sciences, 6(1), 183–192.