About the Journal

ISSN 2340-8812

Focus and Scope

The area of influence of Sport TK-Euromerican Journal of Sport Sciences, through its indexation and through the nationalities of its authors is international. The main topic of this Journal is Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. The Journal accepts papers of the four main blocks that make up the Physical Activity and Sport Sciences: 1. Education. 2. Health. 3. Management. 4. Training.

1. Education. This section publishes manuscripts associated with the following areas of scientific investigation: physical education; sport psychology; neuroscience; motor control and learning; and motor behaviour. The work will have clear theoretical and applied implications and ideally have implications beyond the domains of sport and exercise.

2. Health. This section publishes papers with a clear focus on the public health outcomes associated with physical activity, on exercise physiology and sport nutrition and medicine. Papers may stem from any established scientific approach, including population studies, randomized control trials or structured reviews and should include a clear rationale for the work and ideally practical implications arising from the findings.

3. Management. This section publishes manuscripts that examine a number of areas as they relate to the management, governance, and consumption of sport, such as: organizational theory, behavior, and strategy; sport operations; marketing, consumer behavior, sponsorship, advertising, and licensing; media, communications, and public relations; sport tourism; facility and event management; and gender and diversity.

4. Training. This section publishes papers associated with the following areas of sport and exercise science: biomechanics; musculoskeletal and neuromuscular biomechanics; human and sports performance; and sports coaching. 

Double-Blind Peer Review Process

The submission of papers is immediately communicated. The Journal has a rigorous double-blind system to review the papers submitted using an anonymous Peer Review system to evaluate the original papers, and expert reviewers on the subject will evaluate the papers. The review is undertaken by reviewers that are not related to the Publisher and the Board of Directors of the Journal. When the external reviewers send their evaluations and recommendations, the directors and/or editors of the journal will make one of the following decisions:

 a) Accepted without modifications

 b) Accepted with small modifications

 c) Accepted with substantial modifications

 d) Declined

The definitive acceptance of a paper implies the possibility of making changes or modifications in the paper that are recommended and proposed by the evaluators or publishers council.

Phase 1. The initial assessment process: conformance with formal editing requirements, adjustment to the journal's themes, and anti-plagiarism review. The journal, due to an important demand, has no commitment to respond when it receives incomplete manuscripts.

Phase 2: Peer review process who will decide on the relevance or need for partial or substantial changes to the manuscript. Notification of assessment results will normally be issued within three months. Given the large number of contributions received, the process can take up to six months, being informed the contact author of this eventuality. If a third opinion is required, the period may be extended by two months. Authors must reply to the requirements made within one month. The process of reviewing accepted manuscripts may be repeated several times. During the entire evaluation process of an article, it cannot be sent to another journal. If the article is rejected, the authors can send it to another journal. Articles must state the date of reception, acceptance and final publication. The manuscripts will not be returned nor will changes be made by authors once they have been accepted for publication. The journal has the collaboration of external reviewers who are not part of the editorial team or the publishing institution.

The journal will provide certificates of collaboration as reviewer if requested by the interested person.

Ethics Statements

The SPORT TK- EuroAmerican Journal of Sport Sciences shares the principles established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). 

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Article processing charges

No subscription or pay-per-view charges apply to any content published in this journal. 

An article processing charge (APC) applies only to papers that are accepted for publication.

- APC articles submitted in 2021 and 2022: €150 (tax excluded)

- APC articles submitted in 2023: €200 (tax included)

- APC articles submitted from January 1, 2024: €250 (tax included)


 The works and papers that are published in this Journal are subject to the following terms:

  1. The Publication Service of the University of Murcia (the publisher) has the Publication Rights (Copyright) to the published papers and works, and favors and permits the reusing of the same under the license indicated in point 2.

 © Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Murcia, 2013

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  2. Conditions of Self-Archiving. It is permitted and encouraged that the authors spread electronically the pre-print (before printing) and/or post-print (the revised, evaluated and accepted) versions of their papers or works before their publication since this favors their circulation and early diffusion and therefore can help increase their citation and quotation, and also there reach through the academic community. 

The works and papers that are published in this Journal are subject to the following terms:

  1. The Publication Service of the University of Murcia (the publisher) has the Publication Rights (Copyright) to the published papers and works, and favors and permits the reusing of the same under the license indicated in point 2.

© Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Murcia, 2013

  1. The papers and works are to be published in the digital edition of the Journal under the license Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Sin Obra Derivada 3.0 España (legal text). The copying, using, spreading, transmitting and publicly displaying of the papers, works or publication are permitted as long as: i) the authors and original sources (Journal, publisher and URL of the publication) are quoted; ii) it is not used for commercial benefit; iii) the existence and specifications of this users license are mentioned.
  2. Conditions of Self-Archiving. It is permitted and encouraged that the authors spread electronically the pre-print (before printing) and/or post-print (the revised, evaluated and accepted) versions of their papers or works before their publication since this favors their circulation and early diffusion and therefore can help increase their citation and quotation, and also there reach through the academic community.