Crisis and moral economy in Roubaix


  • Colectivo Rosa Bonheur
Keywords: relegation, resistance, lower classes, sexual and racial division of work, ethnography


The concept of « moral economy », developed by Thompson, Scott and others, appears to be very helpful when focusing on « social answers to the crisis ». Based on an ongoing collective ethnographic investigation in Roubaix, a former textile-industry city in the North of France, this article examines the articulation of this sociological concept, and the current socio-economical context in this type of de-industrialized, relegated areas. These lower class territories determine lower classes' everyday life, but lower classes reciprocally contribute in shaping these territories. Lower classes have to build strategies to survive, in a daily fight for material and symbolic re-qualification. Moral economies, built in the context of neo-liberal political economy, despite it and/or against it, have become the field of subjective composition and re-composition of lower classes.


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How to Cite
Rosa Bonheur, C. (2013). Crisis and moral economy in Roubaix. Historical Sociology, (3), 457–489. Retrieved from
Monográfico. 50 años de "La formación de la clase obrera en Inglaterra", de E. P. Thompson