Intellectuals in the face of the historical event. The coup d’état in Chile and the political reflection of the opposition to Francoism in Spain in late 1973


  • Juan Gustavo Núñez Olguín
Keywords: Intellectual field, political field, Late Francoism, Chile, coup d’état, history, sociology


The present work intends to evaluate the impact the coup d’état –occurred in Chile on September 11th, 1973- had on the intellectual and political reflection, in a specific moment of Late Francoism. For this, it will be necessary to establish some methodological criteria, explicitly state the conditions for the potential critic opinion in Spain in late 1973, and finally, select some reflections expressed by some intellectuals immediately after the events, focusing on the social and political trajectory of those who intervened. In consequence, the present work will address three aspects: what is said in relation to the historical event, the historical and political environment at that time, and the sociological profile of those giving their opinion. The point where text, context and social trajectory intersect will be the point our conclusions will be based on.


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How to Cite
Núñez Olguín J. G. (2013). Intellectuals in the face of the historical event. The coup d’état in Chile and the political reflection of the opposition to Francoism in Spain in late 1973. Historical Sociology, (2), 211–237. Retrieved from
Monográfico. Sociología de la producción intelectual en España y Francia (1940-1990)