Corpus linguistics and child language

foundations for the design of a significative sample


  • Pablo Figueiredo Palacios Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Keywords: child language, phonology, corpus linguistics


This paper deals with the elaboration of a significative sample which will be used to study, comparatively, the emergence of the phonological component in children aged 1;6 – 3;6 in American English and Peninsular Spanish. Two issues concerning corpus linguistics will be addressed, namely, the representativeness of data and its treatment (corpus-based and corpus-driven approaches shall be discussed) in child language corpora. The sources of our data, the projects CHILDES and PhonBank, will also be analyzed. Additionally, the psycholinguistic criteria which we shall employ will be closely scrutinized, as well as their relevance in the design of the data sample.


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How to Cite
Figueiredo Palacios, P. (2019). Corpus linguistics and child language: foundations for the design of a significative sample. Journal of Linguistic Research, 21, 152–168.