La transferencia del análisis lógico al gramatical en España durante el primer tercio del siglo XX: el caso de Ezequiel Solana (1863-1931)


  • María Luisa Calero Vaquera
  • Alfonso Zamorano Aguilar
Keywords: Linguistic Historiography, Spanish Language, Grammar, Education, Analysis


This paper studies the contents of the Tratado de análisis lógico y gramatical de la lengua castellana by the Spanish educationalist Ezequiel Solana (1863-1931) and compares the three extant editions (1911, 1921 y 1924[?]) of the book. The author’s ideas inclined towards a conservative sort of education based on spiritualist Christian humanism, which is reflected in his views on language, always seen in its close relationship with thought. We focus particularly on his idea of the concept of ‘analysis’, which he divided into two types: logical and grammatical, although the boundaries between both seem to be dubious for our author. Ezequiel Solana may, thus, be likened to other contemporary grammarians, who carried out a terminological and conceptual transfer from the logical to the grammatical level, as a result of which modern grammatical theory and the analysis of its elements became undoubtedly enriched.


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How to Cite
Calero Vaquera, M. L., & Zamorano Aguilar, A. (2012). La transferencia del análisis lógico al gramatical en España durante el primer tercio del siglo XX: el caso de Ezequiel Solana (1863-1931). Journal of Linguistic Research, 15, 187–205. Retrieved from