Cuarenta años de publicaciones en contabilidad de gestión estratégica: Explorando la estructura conceptual a través del análisis de co-palabras
Forty years of publications on strategic management accounting: Exploring the conceptual structure through co-word analysis
Agencias de apoyo
- FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), I.P., under the project Ref. UIDB/04630/2020
El propósito de este artículo es explorar la estructura conceptual de la investigación sobre contabilidad de gestión estratégica (CGE) realizada en los últimos 40 años para revelar y sintetizar las tendencias de investigación. Para lograr este objetivo realizamos un estudio bibliométrico basado en 189 artículos revisados por pares obtenidos en las bases de datos Scopus y Web of Science que fueron analizados empleando el análisis de co-palabras y la herramienta VOSviewer. El análisis bibliométrico revela las principales revistas que han publicado artículos sobre CGE, así como los autores más prolíficos y artículos más citados. Nuestros resultados revelan tres líneas de investigación sobre CGE: (i) CGE como fuente de ventaja competitiva, (ii) la adopción, el contexto de uso, y las prácticas de CGE, y (iii) el papel de la CGE en el proceso de gestión estratégica. Además, nuestros resultados destacan posibles temas emergentes, como el papel de la CGE en la integración de la sostenibilidad en la estrategia de las empresas, y nuevos escenarios de estudio, que representan oportunidades para futuras investigaciones. Por lo tanto, este artículo pretende ayudar los investigadores a posicionar sus futuros esfuerzos de investigación.
Abdullah, N. H. N., Krishnan, S., Zakaria, A. A. M., & Morris, G. (2022). Strategic management accounting practices in business: A systematic review of the literature and future research directions. Cogent Business & Management, 9(1), 2093488.
Agasisti, T., Arnaboldi, M., & Azzone, G. (2008). Strategic management accounting in universities: The Italian experience. Higher Education, 55(1), 1–15.
Akhtar, M., & Sushil, M. (2018). Managing strategic performance in a dynamic business environment: A study of two Indian oil companies. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 37(5), 47–62.
Alamri, A. M. (2019). Association between strategic management accounting facets and organizational performance. Baltic Journal of Management, 14(2), 212–234.
Appuhami, R. (2019). Exploring the relationship between strategic performance measurement systems and managers’ creativity: The mediating role of psychological empowerment and organisational learning. Accounting & Finance, 59(4), 2201–2233.
Aranda, C., & Arellano, J. (2010). Strategic performance measurement systems and managers’ understanding of the strategy: A field research in a financial institution. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 6(3), 330–358.
Arunruangsirilert, T., & Chonglerttham, S. (2017). Effect of corporate governance characteristics on strategic management accounting in Thailand. Asian Review of Accounting, 25(1), 85–105.
Atkinson, A. A. (1998). Strategic performance measurement and incentive compensation. European Management Journal, 16(5), 552–561.
Atkinson, A. A., Waterhouse, J. H., & Wells, R. B. (1997). A stakeholder approach to strategic performance measurement. Sloan Management Review, 38(3), 25–37.
Baird, K. (2017). The effectiveness of strategic performance measurement systems. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 66(1), 3–21.
Balstad, M. T., & Berg, T. (2020). A long-term bibliometric analysis of journals influencing management accounting and control research. Journal of Management Control, 30(4), 357–380.
Bhattacharyya, S. S., & Thakre, S. (2021). Coronavirus pandemic and economic lockdown; study of strategic initiatives and tactical responses of firms. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 29(5), 1240–1268.
Bhimani, A., & Langfield‐Smith, K. (2007). Structure, formality and the importance of financial and non-financial information in strategy development and implementation. Management Accounting Research, 18(1), 3–31.
Bisbe, J., & Malagueño, R. (2012). Using strategic performance measurement systems for strategy formulation: Does it work in dynamic environments? Management Accounting Research, 23(4), 296–311.
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Cadez, S., & Guilding, C. (2007). Benchmarking the incidence of strategic management accounting in Slovenia. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 3(2), 126–146.
Cadez, S., & Guilding, C. (2008). An exploratory investigation of an integrated contingency model of strategic management accounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 33(7–8), 836–863.
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Carlsson-Wall, M., Kraus, K., & Lind, J. (2015). Strategic management accounting in close inter-organisational relationships. Accounting and Business Research, 45(1), 27–54.
Carr, C., & Tomkins, C. (1996). Strategic investment decisions: The importance of SCM. A comparative analysis of 51 case studies in U.K., U.S. and German companies. Management Accounting Research, 7(2), 199–217.
Castriotta, M., Loi, M., Marku, E., & Naitana, L. (2019). What’s in a name? Exploring the conceptual structure of emerging organizations. Scientometrics, 118(2), 407–437.
Cescon, F., Costantini, A., & Grassetti, L. (2019). Strategic choices and strategic management accounting in large manufacturing firms. Journal of Management and Governance, 23(3), 605–636.
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Chenhall, R. H. (2005). Integrative strategic performance measurement systems, strategic alignment of manufacturing, learning and strategic outcomes: An exploratory study. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 30(5), 395–422.
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Coad, A. (1996). Smart work and hard work: Explicating a learning orientation in strategic management accounting. Management Accounting Research, 7(4), 387–408.
Cobo, M. J., López-Herrera, A. G., Herrera-Viedma, E., & Herrera, F. (2011a). An approach for detecting, quantifying, and visualizing the evolution of a research field: A practical application to the Fuzzy Sets Theory field. Journal of Informetrics, 5(1), 146–166.
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Cuganesan, S., Dunford, R., & Palmer, I. (2012). Strategic management accounting and strategy practices within a public sector agency. Management Accounting Research, 23(4), 245–260.
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Dixon, R. (1998). Accounting for strategic management: A practical application. Long Range Planning, 31(2), 272–279.
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Endrikat, J., Guenther, T. W., & Titus, R. (2020). Consequences of strategic performance measurement systems: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 32(1), 103–136.
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Feng, J., Zhang, Y. Q., & Zhang, H. (2017). Improving the co-word analysis method based on semantic distance. Scientometrics, 111(3), 1521–1531.
Fernandes, C., & Pires, R. A. R. (2021). Exploring the conceptual structure of the research on innovation in hotels through co-word analysis. Administrative Sciences, 11(3), 78.
Franco-Santos, M., & Bourne, M. (2003). Factors that play a role in “managing through measures.” Management Decision, 41(8), 698–710.
Franco-Santos, M., Lucianetti, L., & Bourne, M. (2012). Contemporary performance measurement systems: A review of their consequences and a framework for research. Management Accounting Research, 23(2), 79–119.
Furrer, O., Thomas, H., & Goussevskaia, A. (2008). The structure and evolution of the strategic management field: A content analysis of 26 years of strategic management research. International Journal of Management Reviews, 10(1), 1–23.
Gimbert, X., Bisbe, J., & Mendoza, X. (2010). The role of performance measurement systems in strategy formulation processes. Long Range Planning, 43(4), 477–497.
Gonçalves, T., Gaio, C., & Silva, M. (2018). Target costing and innovation-exploratory configurations: A comparison of fsQCA, multivariate regression, and variable cluster analysis. Journal of Business Research, 89, 378–384.
Gond, J.-P., Grubnic, S., Herzig, C., & Moon, J. (2012). Configuring management control systems: Theorizing the integration of strategy and sustainability. Management Accounting Research, 23(3), 205–223.
Guilding, C., Cravens, K. S., & Tayles, M. (2000). An international comparison of strategic management accounting practices. Management Accounting Research, 11(1), 113–135.
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Gutiérrez-Salcedo, M., Martínez, M. Á., Moral-Munoz, J. A., Herrera-Viedma, E., & Cobo, M. J. (2018). Some bibliometric procedures for analyzing and evaluating research fields. Applied Intelligence, 48(5), 1275–1287.
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Höglund, L., Caicedo, M. H., Mårtensson, M., & Svärdsten, F. (2021). Strategic management accounting in the public sector context: The case of the Swedish Transport Administration. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 33(4), 468–486.
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