Accounting for Community Assets in some European Local Authorities

Los Bienes Destinados al Uso General: Tratamiento Contable en Diferentes Administraciones Locales Europeas


  • María Teresa Balaguer Coll Universidad Jaume I
  • Iluminada Fuertes Fuertes Universidad Jaume I
Keywords: community assets, governmental accounting, European local authorities


In response to the need for better management information, pubic sector accounting systems have been subjected to a general reform process, especially in local government. These reforms cover, among other things, accounting for capital assets. Given the special nature of some of these assets, such as community assets, this article aims to analyse the problematic roots of accounting, examining different academic positions as well as the accounting rules and practices of local authorities in different European countries. In general, there appears to be a clear tendency to present more information on capital assets in financial statements, with historic cost being the most utilised valuation criteria.


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How to Cite
Balaguer Coll, M. T., & Fuertes Fuertes, I. (2001). Accounting for Community Assets in some European Local Authorities: Los Bienes Destinados al Uso General: Tratamiento Contable en Diferentes Administraciones Locales Europeas. Revista de Contabilidad - Spanish Accounting Review, 4(7), 155–175. Retrieved from

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