Nymphaeque sorores: Virgil’s Sororities of Nymphs


  • Lee Fratantuono
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/myrtia.411951


Nymphs appear frequently in the corpus of Virgilian poetry. Careful consideration of the place of nymphs in Virgil’s Eclogues and (in particular) his Georgics reveals how the poet utilizes these quasi-divine figures as important elements of his exposition of both the nature of Roman identity and the demands incurred in composing his Homeric-Callimachean epic.



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Cómo citar
Fratantuono, L. (2020). Nymphaeque sorores: Virgil’s Sororities of Nymphs. Myrtia, 34, 57–89. https://doi.org/10.6018/myrtia.411951