Los mudéjares: ¿minoría, marginados o “grupos culturales privilegiados”?


  • Ana Echevarría Arsuaga
Keywords: Socio-religious minorities, Mudejars, Moriscos, Iberian Peninsula, Historiography


This article presents a state of the art of Mudejar studies in the 2000’s, so as to complete recent bibliographical compilations such as the 10th International Simposium of Mudejarismo, and other recent contributions. Advances in this field make it possible to widen our perspectives in the approach to this socio-religious minority. We can now discuss its pretended exclusion, and propose the study of Muslim society under Christian dominion in itself and as part of Mediterranean Islam, instead of referred to the Christian society where they were placed. The discovery of new sources, as well as the revision of a great amount of literary and documentary evidence, accounts for the spectacular development of publication in this subject during the past years.


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How to Cite
Echevarría Arsuaga, A. (2008). Los mudéjares: ¿minoría, marginados o “grupos culturales privilegiados”?. Medievalism, (18), 45–65. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/medievalismo/article/view/91631
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