Reges Scriptores: Narratives of Political Legitimisation and Documentary Production in Royal Settings (13th-15th centuries)


Keywords: Court intellectual, Sapiential rulership, Royal chanceries, Royal patronage, Souverain auto-biographies


This article deals primarily with the topic of what we may call the social and political role of the man of letters in a courtly context, as ideologue or in the production of documents. However, some of these court intellectuals were the rulers themselves and a few of them even produced their own texts, as auctores or as editors. They were reges scriptores. In order to achieve a better understanding of this key matter we have analysed together three interrelated topics: the chancery’s production of documents, royal patronage of book production and the royal authorship of texts, particularly the so-called ‘souverain auto-biographies’.


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How to Cite
RODRÍGUEZ DE LA PEÑA, M. A., & DÍEZ KLINK, E. (2022). Reges Scriptores: Narratives of Political Legitimisation and Documentary Production in Royal Settings (13th-15th centuries). Medievalism, (32), 339–378.

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