The political impact of the primitive beliefs of the Sassanid ruling class


Keywords: Sasanids, History of religions, Magic, Sympathetic magic, Primitive beliefs


This article uses various theories that exist about thought, especially the theories of James George Frazer in the Golden Branch as a turning point. In this way, it tries to give prominence to the certain aspects of the history of sassanid Persia, which after analyzing through these theories, they show the impact of primitive beliefs in Sassanid age. Creeds that affected in many aspects of their lives, but in this research we only show their role in the commands or decisions, victories, defeats and dreams of the Sassanids that substantially had influenced their domestic and foreign policies.


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How to Cite
RAHIMI JAFARI, N. (2021). The political impact of the primitive beliefs of the Sassanid ruling class. Medievalism, (31), 373–388.