La lucha por las rentas en la frontera septentrional valenciana. Los conflictos por el diezmo y la primicia en las comarcas de Els Ports y El Maestrat en el siglo XIII


  • Vicent Royo Pérez
Keywords: Conflicts, Tithe and First Fruits, Peace mediations and arbitrations, Manor, Kingdom of Valencia


This article analyses the conflicts over the collection of tithe and first fruits which originated in the
northern region of the Kingdom of Valencia in the 13 th Century. After the conquest, King James I
and the lords who received manors in the regions of Els Ports and El Maestrat took possession of
these ecclesiastical incomes. This fact caused the reaction of the Bishopric of Tortosa, who was
not prepared to renounce to some incomes which belonged to it. Then, a period of disputes was
opened and the conflicts were channelled through peace mediations and arbitrations. The resolu-
tions of the conflicts contributed to define with more precision the manor network in the northern
region of the Kingdom.


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How to Cite
Royo Pérez, V. (2017). La lucha por las rentas en la frontera septentrional valenciana. Los conflictos por el diezmo y la primicia en las comarcas de Els Ports y El Maestrat en el siglo XIII. Medievalism, (26), 247–279. Retrieved from