Una ciudad, un santo, una Orden: Bolonia, Domingo de Caleruega y la Orden de los Frailes Predicadores. Entre la vocación al estudio y la custodia de las sagradas prendas


  • Beatrice Borghi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/j/241301
Keywords: Saint Dominic of Caleruega, Order of Preachers, pilgrimage, relics, inventories, preaching, university


A saint, a city, a monument. In Italy it is not unusual to meet such a strong integration among three different and yet complementary dimensions of a historical dynamics. However, at a mature and deep state the thing is, if not unique, surely very rare. In the case of Bologna, there is something more: a “fourth element”, which recalls the history and the function of the Ordo Predicatorum and yet precedes both of them by more or less a century. This is the university: the famous Studium, which made use since the middle of the 12 th century of the far-sighted legitimation of Barbarossa, and those (originally and theoretically any convent, since in all of them theology was studied) of the studentes in sacra pagina.


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How to Cite
Borghi, B. (2015). Una ciudad, un santo, una Orden: Bolonia, Domingo de Caleruega y la Orden de los Frailes Predicadores. Entre la vocación al estudio y la custodia de las sagradas prendas. Medievalism, (25), 13–54. https://doi.org/10.6018/j/241301