From inquisitorial repression to social success. The resielence of andalucian judeoconversos between the 15th and the 17th centuries: the example of the Herrera linage


  • Enrique Soria Mesa
Keywords: Inquisition, judeoconversos, limpieza de sangre, municipality


In contrast to traditional studies that focus on the crackdown of the Inquisition against new Christians but do not delve into the subsequent fate of the victims, this article aims to offer a long-term analysis of the survival of crypto jews, even those who were punished by the Holy Office. To that end, economic power was essential as well as the opportunity that provided to them the sale of offices during the 16th century, which enabled them to return to municipal power and, eventually, joining the Spanish Nobility.


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How to Cite
Soria Mesa, E. (2014). From inquisitorial repression to social success. The resielence of andalucian judeoconversos between the 15th and the 17th centuries: the example of the Herrera linage. Medievalism, (24), 399–417. Retrieved from