Italian differential presence in the southern area of the Iberian Peninsula during the Late Middle Ages. Present state of the issue and research proposals


  • Raúl González Arévalo
Keywords: Historiography, Italians, Iberian Peninsula, Grenade, Castile


This article covers in detail the bibliographical production on the Italian differential presence in the south of the Iberian Peninsula in late medieval centuries. Following the academic conventions of a long-established historiographical tradition, it tackles the subject by taking into consideration the political realities in both peninsulae, Castile and Grenade on the one hand, and the Italian Mercantile Republics on the other, paying special attention to Genoa, Venice and Florence. Lastly, it suggests new research lines from underused sources and the most recent trends in historiography.


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How to Cite
González Arévalo, R. (2013). Italian differential presence in the southern area of the Iberian Peninsula during the Late Middle Ages. Present state of the issue and research proposals. Medievalism, (23), 175–208. Retrieved from

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