El Subsidio Eclesiástico para la guerra de Granada (1482-1492). Aportación, ingresos y gastos en el arzobispado de Toledo


  • Enrique Torija Rodríguez
Keywords: Apostolic Subsidy, Granadian Wars, Archdiocese of Toledo, Medieval economy, Church-State relationships


This study presents the data of Apostolic Subsidy, a special contribution granted by the Holy See that was paid by Castilian clergy to the Crown at the end of the Middle Ages. Its purpose was to fight against their religious enemy, who was at that moment the Nasrid Kingdom of Granade. We use primary sources from the Archive of the cathedral of Toledo. In this study we offer a historical introduction on previous and subsequent subsidies, we describe how the distribution of payment amongst the different elements of the Castilian Church was made, the archdiocese of Toledo and its urban clergy. We examine the data and we transcribe it into tables for later studies.


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How to Cite
Torija Rodríguez, E. (2012). El Subsidio Eclesiástico para la guerra de Granada (1482-1492). Aportación, ingresos y gastos en el arzobispado de Toledo. Medievalism, (22), 217–237. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/medievalismo/article/view/164391