La proyección del tratado de Torrellas. Entre el revisionismo político y la negación mental


  • José Vicente Cabezuelo Pliego
Keywords: Pact of Torrellas, war, diplomacy, frontier, Kingdom of Murcia, Kingdom of Valencia, XIVth century


The paper examines the political significance of the Torrellas Treaty between Castile and Ara- gon in 1304 to put an end to eight years of war to control the kingdom of Murcia. In spite of the fact that the agreement carried with it the division of the kingdom in two parts as well as the settlement of a new border, broadly speaking, by the Segura river, in the XIV century there was an intense diplomatic and military activity from the two sides to alter what was agreed on. At the same time the territorial alteration produced after the Torrellas peace generated a mental dislocation over dominions culturally thought as Castilian though they were politically attached to the kingdom of Aragon.


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How to Cite
Cabezuelo Pliego, J. V. (2010). La proyección del tratado de Torrellas. Entre el revisionismo político y la negación mental. Medievalism, (20), 203–237. Retrieved from