«Tan grans messions». La financiación de la cruzada de Jaime II de Aragón contra Almería en 1309


  • Vicente Baydal Sala
Keywords: Crusades, royal taxes, army, cavalry, James II, Crown of Aragon


The attempted conquest of Nasrid Almeria, launched in 1309 by the Aragonese monarchy in coordination with the Castilian siege of Algeciras, had been focused only on factual perspective. Therefore, in this article we try to delve into the material and financial aspects of the crusade led by James II, combining the rich and diverse documents from the Archives of the Crown of Aragon. Likewise, the economic approach provides a more detailed sequence of historical facts and a new evaluation of them.


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How to Cite
Baydal Sala, V. (2009). «Tan grans messions». La financiación de la cruzada de Jaime II de Aragón contra Almería en 1309. Medievalism, (19), 57–154. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/medievalismo/article/view/115701
Monográfico: La Cruzada de 1309