Tra crociata e commercio: le relazioni diplomatiche fra Genova e i regni iberici nei secoli XII-XIII


  • Enrico Basso
Keywords: Genoa, diplomacy, commerce, Mediterranean History, Naval power


The analysis of the diplomatic relations established between Genoa and the Kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula in the 12th and 13th centuries, permits to point out the main lines of the development of the Genoese commercial network at a crucial forming stage, and in the same time to identify the general pattern which, during the following two centuries, side by side with the great expansion of the Genoese commercial empire in the Aegean and the Black Sea, determined the relations of the Ligurian metropolis with the Iberian world and that North African area which formed, from the Genoese point of view, a single diplomatic, economic and commercial space with Southern Spain.


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How to Cite
Basso, E. (2009). Tra crociata e commercio: le relazioni diplomatiche fra Genova e i regni iberici nei secoli XII-XIII. Medievalism, (19), 11–56. Retrieved from
Monográfico: La Cruzada de 1309