About the Journal

1. Focus and Scope

The journal Medievalismo aims to publish original studies and research on the medieval period, in any of the disciplines that deal with it, with special attention to the Hispanic Medieval period. It is published annually.

2. Quality Policies

Medievalismo maintains its edition of numbers with a rigorous periodicity from its birth. An annual volume is published on a regular basis. It maintains, in turn, a strict coherence in its editorial line and in the subject of the publication.

All works published in Medievalismo are subject to prior evaluations by experts from the Advisory Board and the Editorial Board, as well as Reviewers, independent researchers of prestige in the area.

2.1. Scientific Means of Knowledge Transfer

Medievalismo has a Committee of National and International Reviewers of recognized prestige, an International Scientific Committee, experts in the disciplines present in Spanish universities and research centres. The Scientific Committee advises and evaluates the publication, endorsing it scientifically and projecting it internationally. The Editorial Board issues reports, propose themes and evaluates manuscripts. The Scientific Advisory Board submits the manuscripts estimated in the publication for blind evaluation Medievalismo is a means of publishing various Research Projects, Research Centers and Groups and Universities.

Medievalismo offers detailed information to its authors and collaborators on the manuscript review process and sets criteria, procedures, revision plan and maximum times strictly: a) Preliminary phase of manuscript estimation/dismissal, with a deadline of 4 weeks for your response; b) Evaluation phase of manuscripts with rejection/acceptance thereof; c) Edition of the texts in preprint (digital) and printed in Spanish and English. Post abstracts in the language in which the article is written and in English
Medievalismo accepts for evaluation manuscripts in any official language of the Spanish State, as well as English, French, Italian, Portuguese or German.

2.2. Quality of the Editorial Process: Peer Review Process

Medievalismo maintains its edition of numbers with a rigorous periodicity from its birth. An annual volume is published on a regular basis. It maintains, in turn, a strict coherence in its editorial line and in the subject of the publication.

All works published in Medievalismo are subject to prior evaluations by experts from the Advisory Board and the Editorial Board, as well as Reviewers, independent researchers of prestige in the area.

The collaborations reviewed in Medievalismo are subject, as a minimum requirement, to the blind evaluation system, which guarantees anonymity in the revision of the manuscripts. In case of discrepancy between the evaluators, new revisions are carried out that determine the feasibility of the possible edition of the collaborations.
Medievalismo motivates the editorial decision that includes the reasons for the prior estimation, subsequent revision, with acceptance or rejection of the manuscripts, with summaries of the opinions issued by external experts.

The review has three phases: the first is to check that it is an original work and that no plagiarism is used. The second focuses on the format and style (expressions, quotations, references, etc.), which is carried out by the journal's editors, and once it has complied with the formal aspects, it moves on to the second phase, which is the scientific review.

The peer review system for original articles is external, double-blind (the author does not know the reviewers and vice versa); it is an anonymous review carried out by at least two experts on the subject of the article. The reviewers are selected from among the best specialists, national or foreign. The review process can take up to six months (when there are several rounds of review).

3. Open access policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps to further global knowledge exchange.

5. Digital preservation policy

This magazine uses the LOCKSS, systems to create a file system distributed among collaborating libraries, which allows you to create permanent archives of the magazine for conservation and restoration purposes.
Medievalismo has the purpose of preserving digitally in the long term all the documents it houses. To do this, it develops an action plan that includes basic measures to ensure the digital durability of the scientific material:

  •     Backups
  •     Documentation storage on servers and external storage units
  •     Conversion of formats to safer ones
  •     Periodic checks of file integrity to prevent corruption
  •     Monitoring of the technological environment to anticipate possible migrations of obsolete formats or software
  •     Digital preservation metadata
  •     Use of DOI in its new materials

For the purposes of digital preservation, the deposit of documents with easily readable formats (such as PDF) is encouraged. In the event that it was not possible to maintain the usability of all existing formats, the journal undertakes to return the files to their authors. The digital preservation policy will be reviewed annually by the Medievalismo journal.

6. Plagio Detection Policy

Medievalismo is committed to the fight against plagiarism. For it:
1. Invite your reviewers to watch especially against plagiarism in their work.
2. It makes it available and uses anti-plagiarism detention systems.
3. Invite readers to detect some plagiarism and communicate it to us, if for any reason any work has mocked the filters or there has been an error. For this, we invite you to use the free license system: Viper Plagiarism Checker

7. Publish in Medievalismo: Author Fees

There are no publication fees (article processing charges or APCs) to publish with this journal.

Publication in Medievalism is completely free of charge, and the reviewers do not receive any emolument either, so we are very grateful to them for their collaboration in this joint project.

8.  Sponsors

Spanish Society for Medieval Studies

9. Historial de la revista

The journal Medievalismo was born in 1991 as a result of the initiative of a Spanish Society of Medieval Studies and its president at the time, Professor Eloy Benito Ruano, who wanted to link it to the activities of the association, the reflection of the Middle Ages today in addition to the studies that made up those first issues. A double issue, 13-14, dedicated to the Catholic Monarchs, is the only exception in an ongoing annual series. Issue 17, corresponding to 2007, marked a major change in the publication, as it adapted to the publishing criteria of scientific journals, leaving behind an endearing format conceived by its founder. It now takes on the challenge of positioning itself as one of the main channels of activity of the Spanish Society of Medieval Studies.