The Necessity and Risk of Studying Heritage without Context: The Case of Celtiberian Helmets in Celtiberian Collections
This paper summarises the process of studying objects without context, taking as an example the case of Celtiberian helmets scattered on the international antiquities market. On the basis of personal experience, we explain what is meant by "decontextualised" and the different degrees of decontextualisation, and what it means to undertake the study of this type of piece. Recent scholarship has approached to this problem with different attitudes: some reject the study of objects from the antiquities market, others have chosen to value them in a completely opposite way; The discourse discusses the benefits of the occasional study of decontextualised pieces. Both for the specific knowledge of these specific objects, for the study of the ancient culture to which they belong and, and necessarily, for the contemporary context that has removed, traded and collected them.
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