Antonio Ramos, Master Architect of Malaga's Diocese. St. Anthony of Padua's Church of Alpandeire
Through this paper we intend to address the documented study of the construction project related to the Saint Anthony of Padua’s church in Alpandeire (Málaga). This work is included in the generalized diocesan initiative to reform, in the second half of the 18th century, the architecture of many of its parish temples. The person in charge of offering the traces of the new building was none other than Antonio Ramos, master builder of the Cathedral and then, almost absolute, in the direction of other religious properties of the jurisdictional territory. The historical keys of the process will help to better understand the reality of a property endowed with excessive monumentality for the town that welcomed it, without disregarding the detailed analysis of the structural and ornamental elements in its comparative parallels that concerning other interventions of the architect.
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