The numismatic testimonies of Iulia Mamaea: continuity and rupture in the imperial policy of Alexander Severus


Keywords: Severan Dynasty, roman numismatic, Severus Alexander, Iulia Mamaea, roman women


This paper aims to study the ideology transmitted in Severus Alexander’s government through the coins in which Julia Mamaea appeared. To this end, we will not only analyse the inscriptions, but also the iconographic motifs expressed on each of the testimonies. Following a defined chronological and typological order, we will show how, although other Augustae previously used motifs different to this one, Julia Mamaea was also used for issues related to the military sphere. This demonstrates the importance of the princeps’ mother during this period, as well as the unstable situation that prevailed.


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How to Cite
Conesa Navarro, P. (2023). The numismatic testimonies of Iulia Mamaea: continuity and rupture in the imperial policy of Alexander Severus. Imafronte, (30), 16–33.