Still life with ebony chest of Antonio Pereda: a exhibition of material culture of chocolate in modern Spain


Keywords: chocolate, material culture, still-life, food, Antonio Pereda


The discovery of the New World was a gastronomic revolution. Chocolate was the food that was introduced with the greatest speed in Spanish society, permeating from the elites to the popular classes. Around this delicacy there are a series of nutritional, aesthetic and sociocultural connotations that intensify it in the protagonist of many moments of daily life. At the beginning of the 17th century, Spanish artists began to make still-lifes, satisfying the demand for collecting, which was already occurring in the rest of Europe. The "chocolate still-lifes" responded to this interest, since works that resulted from the aesthetic avant-garde were valued. This article, through Antonio Pereda's Still-life with an Ebony Chest (1652), compares and analyzes the works of other masters, during the 17th and 18th centuries, who also chose this unique food as the main theme, along with its exclusive material culture that participated in commercial globalization, gestated in the Modern Age.


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How to Cite
Ruiz López, M. P. (2023). Still life with ebony chest of Antonio Pereda: a exhibition of material culture of chocolate in modern Spain. Imafronte, (30), 88–101.