«Become nothing» (Nichtesnit Werden):

The Grave-camera and the night light in the Turin Horse (2011, Béla Tarr)


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/imafronte.481851
Keywords: Béla Tarr, The Turin Horse, contemporary cinema, Nothingness, death, silence


The documentary film Béla Tarr, I Used to Be a Filmmaker (2013, directed by Jean-Marc Lamoure) shows how the great Hungarian filmmaker Béla Tarr (b. 1955) uses the camera at ground level (as Yasujirō Ozu), and even sunk in a hole made on purpose to shoot the sequence of the hill of A torinói ló (The Turin Horse, 2011), his later film. The purpose of this article is to highlight this fact as a form of symbolic death, the camera-tomb, an ascetic exercise of the «bond with the grave», since the whole film is a «reproducing life», in the words of the filmmaker himself, from the end, typified by the omnipresent wind of the Absolute (the whistle of Silent), the desert of desolation and the black screen (vision from the ‘grave’, «the deep silence» of the voice-over), with which open and close the film.


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How to Cite
Gonzalo Carbó, A. (2022). «Become nothing» (Nichtesnit Werden): : The Grave-camera and the night light in the Turin Horse (2011, Béla Tarr). Imafronte, (29), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.6018/imafronte.481851