Soulages, Michaux, Malraux and Vieira da Silva, friends and inspirers of Zao Wou-ki
Zao Wou-Ki (1921-2013) is a Chinese painter with a universal reputation. Because of the conventionalism of art in China, he decided to settle in Paris. It is known that there he started thanks to the art of Cézanne and Klee, Zao begins to sublimate the Chinese tradition: the sign and the qui, as his style in his work, but I guess there is something more.
When he arrived in Paris, Zao gets to meet many emerging artists who leave their mark on the History of Art. They must be the pointers of the artistic path. They also contributed to him to recover his root in his art through collaboration, but there is not much research, for the reason I address it. The fact that Zao worked to dedicate the works to numerous poets after the collaboration with Henri Michaux reminds me of the Chinese aesthetic "coincidence between poem and painting". I analyze his collaborations with poets to investigate such a concept in his art. Another part to develop the qui, the Chinese pictorial space, I consider that Zao took the spark from Pierre Solaces. Soulages shared the idea of space and light with Zao, so I analyze his dialogues.
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