Images, silverware, ornaments and furniture from the society of Jesus in Murcia. Inventory and distribution of its goods after the expulsion in 1767


Keywords: Jesuits, Murcia, inventory, silverware, ornaments


The expulsion of the Jesuits in 1767 entailed the setting up of a broad administrative system focused on the management of the goods heretofore belonging to the Society of Jesus. Among the tasks that these councils were meant to accomplish appears the inventory and distribution of the silverware and ornaments that had been preserved by this order in its colleges and churches. In the case of Murcia, the executed inventory for that purpose offers an overview of the state of the Church of San Esteban in that year. Additionally, the documentation preserved reflects the destination of the silverware and ornaments: some of them were kept in the temple, some were sent to poorer parishes and some ended up in the Franciscan convent of Santa Catalina del Monte. This inventory has been analysed in this paper, as well as the distribution of its silverware and ornaments, according to what occurred in other Spanish territories, including the case of Caravaca de la Cruz, with the aim of offering a general picture.


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How to Cite
García Zapata, I. J. . (2021). Images, silverware, ornaments and furniture from the society of Jesus in Murcia. Inventory and distribution of its goods after the expulsion in 1767. Imafronte, (28), 1–26.