The places of memory as heritage: proposed itineraries in Cartagena durint the II Republic (1931-1936)
This work aims to develop a guide of historical itineraries of the city from Cartagena during the years of the Second Republic. The aim is to preserve an intangible heritage, those places in the memory of the republican city that refer to the identity symbols of a community. To its silent and silenced monuments. The objective is to recover the historical context of the buildings and streets and to emphasise its didactic, memorialist and cultural importance, taking into account the Law of Historical Memory. This research is divided in three chapters: the first deals with the historical context, 0). Cartagena in the 1930s; the second titled City and Memory, where the structure of the city is Y 4. analysed following Kevin Lynch. The last chapter develops three routes: politics, highlighting the Arsenal and the City Council; the cultural with the Ateneo and the Popular University and finally the prison route with the old Penal, the Castle of San Julián and the Prison of San Antón.
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