Alfeo y Aretusa en La Sed (Törst, 1949), filme de Ingmar Bergman: un ejemplo de la relación entre Arte y Mitología


  • Angélica García Manso
Keywords: Ingmar Bergman, The Thirst, Alpheus and Arethusa, cinema, Classical Mythology, 20<sup>th</sup> century


Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman carries out a recreation of the classical myth of Alpheus and Arethusa in his film The Thirst (Törst, 1949). In this article we propose an analysis of the myth from its links in the film plot and its parallelisms in the Plastic Arts. It is an example of how Cinema updates the Classical Mythology topics traditionally tackled in the History of Art.


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How to Cite
García Manso, A. (2008). Alfeo y Aretusa en La Sed (Törst, 1949), filme de Ingmar Bergman: un ejemplo de la relación entre Arte y Mitología. Imafronte, (19-20), 51–62. Retrieved from