Heritage resources in tourism today. The case of the historical center of Yecla (Murcia)
The coexistence between artistic and cultural past of the city of Yecla (Murcia) with the contemporary usage of its patrimonial elemets is the fundamental objetive of this work. The so called cultural tourism, in all its forms, has now become a funamental economic resource for local administration. For that reason we suggest a touristic route based on the knowledge of the origin and evolution of the history and art of the city througt the use of the patrimonial resources that the city holds, ia a pleasant way but still based on the precision of the investigations done.
This route will be incorporated to the cultural offer of Yecla adding offer to the demands of the diferent local and foreing touristic targets. It also introduces the urban context as main backbone. Finally, this route will provide a tool that will allow to know new elements of the great value so far forgotten and left in an unfortunate preservation condition on top of enhancing the value of important properties already well recognised in the heritage of Yecla.
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SORIANO HERNÁNDEZ, A. El programa iconográfico de la Iglesia Vieja, Yakka, Revista de Estudios Yeclanos, AÑO XXI- Número 18, 2009-2010, pp. 27-69.
TROTIÑO VINUESA M. Á. y TROTIÑO TORRALVA, L.Patrimonio y turismo: reflexión teórico- conceptual y una propuesta metodológica integradora aplicada al municipio de Carmona (Sevilla, España), Scripta Nova, vol.XX, núm.543, 2016, p.15.
Archivo General de Simancas, Reg, Gral. Sello I, 1443,fol. 585; Ibídem, I, 1446, fol. 631
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