Español The William Stirling Maxwell Collection of Spanish Art at Pollok House, Glasgow


Keywords: Pollok, Stirling Maxwell, Collectionism, Nineteenth century, Glasgow, Golden Age


The Nineteenth century was a decising point in the European artistic market. The introduction of Spain into that market would build a new collectionism interested by Spanish Golden Age art. This article analyses one of the most important collections throughout the United Kingdom because it became the paradigm of new century context, the collection of the Scottish Stirling Maxwell, and in particular, the Pollok collection that has survived, placed in Glasgow. And the reasons of the interest of the Scottish collector about Spanish art and the consequences that it had for the new vision of the anglosaxon society about the Spanish culture and art.


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How to Cite
Alberca Rodríguez, G. (2020). Español The William Stirling Maxwell Collection of Spanish Art at Pollok House, Glasgow. Imafronte, (26), 149–182.