Representation of a Spanish table pianoforte in the collections of the Museo Nacional del Prado. The pianist Juan del Mármol


  • Víctor Javier Martínez López University of Sevilla
Keywords: Prado National Museum, Pianoforte table, Juan del Mármol, Carlos IV, Vicente López Portaña


    We are dealing with the masterful portrait of the musician and composer Felix Antonio Máximo López Crespo made in 1820 by the painter Vicente López Portaña, now treasured in the permanent collection of the Prado National Museum (Inv. P04405); the representation of a respected musician, leaned on a valued keyboard musical instrument. The typology and authorship of that instrument that served as a model can be affirmed. A pianoforte which accompanied him for decades and that the painter immortalized on canvas. Thanks to his testimony, the figure of Juan del Mármol as the maximum exponent in the manufacture of national pianofortes in the last quarter of the 18th century is consolidated. In short, the first organist of the Royal Chapel in the times of Carlos IV was the owner of a pianoforte manufactured by this piano maker granted by his Majesty, Juan de el Mármol, who didn’t mind showing the instrument to enhance his musical qualities.


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How to Cite
Martínez López, V. J. (2019). Representation of a Spanish table pianoforte in the collections of the Museo Nacional del Prado. The pianist Juan del Mármol. Imafronte, (25), 33–51.